Daylight Subluxation Time

What does turning your clocks back and subluxations have in common?  Both leave you with less LIGHT – get it!  The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations.  If you break the word down you get:

SUB = less, LUX = light, and ATION = a state or condition of.

Subluxation literally means a state of less ‘light’ or energy caused when misaligned spinal bones restrict the flow of impulses through the nerve system.  A Chiropractic adjustment corrects this misalignment, eases pressure off nerves and extends the time Life energy flows through you – giving you more opportunity to heal.

Even though it will be getting darker earlier now, remember your innate healing ‘light’ shines for hours after every adjustment you receive. Fall back into a healthy routine with Chiropractic.

Are you an overly stressed person?  Is anxiety a perpetual state of your being? Unfortunately, that constant fear of what’s ‘lurking in the closet’  can be creating the chronic pain you’re experiencing in your body right now.

According to Hans Selye MD, well-known author of The Stress of Life, occasional anxious moments elicit a reflex stress response in our bodies.  However, prolonged and constant levels of anxiety can cause an OVER reaction. Your muscles become so hypertonic, they unintentionally lock your spine out of alignment – creating posture distortions, chronic immobility and potential nerve damage (a.k.a subluxations). That’s how constant FEAR causes constant PAIN.

Nothing is scarier than living in a perpetual, subluxated state.  If you know someone who’s suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, and pain, tell them how Chiropractic care can potentially pull them from the darkness of dis-ease into the light of health and happiness. Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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